Saturday, September 6, 2008

Breakfast Ideas to Start Off the Day!

"She gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her household and plan the day’s work for her servant girls."
- Proverbs 31:15

As mentioned in yesterday's blog, eating a balanced meal in the morning can help keep you alert, improve your mood and not make you too hungry before lunch. Here are five breakfast ideas that will give you energy until lunchtime:

Oatmeal in an Instant!
Instant oatmeal is great on a cold morning and contains fiber and vitamins. Choose oatmeal that isn't already pre-sweetened (like Old-fashioned Quaker Oats). Sweeten it with raisins or fresh fruit. Adding a scoop of protein powder will make it a perfect breakfast meal!

Smoothie Madness!
Blend frozen fruit (berries are great), milk, cottage cheese and raw nuts (walnuts) for a quick, tasty breakfast smoothie with lots of nutrients.

Eggs - The World's Most Perfect Food!
Boil, scramble or make an omlette and serve on whole-wheat toast or mixed up with veggies and cheese. Eggs are packed with nutrition including protein, vitamins and healthy fat.

Go Nuts!
Spreading natural peanut, almond or walnut butter on whole-grain toast is a great way to get both protein and fiber.

Breakfast On-the-Go!
Don't have time to eat breakfast at home? Try whole-grain toast, nuts and fresh fruit taken in the car. Boiled eggs, apple slices, a banana or a smoothie are also easy and not too messy.

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